Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

  • Community Park Beech Close

2023 Updates – Review of the Neighbourhood Plan

Following a positive referendum result (on 9 September 2021), on 10 September 2021 Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council ‘made’ The Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan and it became part of the Borough’s Development Plan in accordance with Regulation 19 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council is responsible for determining most planning applications, but in Markfield Neighbourhood Area, the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan form the basis of those decisions along with the adopted Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan and other material considerations.

The Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan was prepared having regard to the emerging Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan, but delays in its preparation have raised concerns about the protections offered by the current Neighbourhood Plan. This affects the Neighbourhood Plan’s housing policies in particular, but other changes are needed to keep the plan up-to-date.

The Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group, alongside Markfield Parish Council are currently updating the plan, which will run to 2041.  This will be ready for public consultation in early 2024.

Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2036

We are delighted to tell you that the Examiner of the Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2036 has produced his report and recommended that, subject to some changes, the Plan should proceed to a referendum.

The full 100 page report can be found here

The publication of the Examiner’s Report means that as Section 70 (2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) provides that a Local Planning Authority, must have regard to a post examination draft NP.  HBBC now has 5 weeks to carry out the final statutory process and issue a decision statement which will include the reasons for doing so and allow us to move to referendum.

Update July 2022

Hinckley & Bosworth have now published its draft recommendations following its initial consultation.  The full list of recommendations can be viewed by clicking the link below. 

The consultation runs until 7 September 2022.

The recommendations that affect Markfield include revising the Parish boundary to include Field Head, dividing the Parish into two Wards and increasing the number of Councillors.

Members of the public are urged to respond to this consultation.

At the time of writing HBBC have an issue with their web site and have sent up the Groby and Markfield maps which are unaccesible via the above link

Markfield Boundary Proposal

Groby Boundary Proposal

